Entry Criteria

Entry Criteria



The Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Food Science (PPGCAL) at Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, exercising the powers conferred upon her by law, discloses that in the period from 16 November 2016 to 9 December 2016 applications shall be open for the selection process and admission to the MASTER’S AND DOCTORAL DEGREE PROGRAMS for the 2017 academic year (first semester) – CONCENTRATION AREA: FOOD SCIENCE, in compliance with the requirements of Resolution no. 05/CUN/2010, which establishes the general bylaws of UFSC Graduate Programs.



1.1. Nine places shall be offered for the Doctoral degree and eighteen places for the Master’s degree for admission in the 2017 first academic semester, according to the availability of supervisors (Annex I) in the following lines of research:

  • Food Quality Evaluation;
  • Innovation and New Product Development;
  • Food Chemistry and Biochemistry.

1.2. The number of places offered may change after the publication of this Call due to the availability of supervisors in the Program. The filling of new places shall follow the criteria of this same Call.

1.3. If the places listed in item 1.1 are not entirely filled, there may be a new selection to fill the remaining places.

1.4. The Program reserves the right not to fill all places offered.

1.5. The Program DOES NOT GUARANTEE SCHOLARSHIPS for all the students approved.




2.1. The applications shall be submitted between 16 November 2016 and 9 December 2016, through the website link:http://www.capg.ufsc.br/inscricao/index.xhtml?cdCurso=41000218. The PPGCAL shall not be responsible for non-submitted applications due to miscommunication, network congestion or other technical factors that make impossible the transfer of data.

2.2. After the online application, the following documents must be sent to PPGCAL in order for the application to be considered:

2.2.1. By electronic means, until 11:59 pm on the application deadline date, the documents listed below, digitized, sequentially organized, in a single file, in portable document format (pdf) ,and sent to the e-mail address ppgcal@contato.ufsc.br, with the subject: “MASTER’S DEGREE APPLICATION – APPLICANT’S NAME” or “DOCTORAL DEGREE APPLICATION – APPLICANT’S NAME”:


  1. A digitized copy of the APPLICATION FORM, duly filled out and signed (available on the Program website on the link: http://pgcal.pos.ufsc.br/ in the Forms item);
  2. A digitized copy of the IDENTITY CARDand the CPF (Brazilian Individual Taxpayer Number). For foreign applicants, a copy of the passport and/or RNE (identity card for foreigners);
  3. A digitized copy of the UNDERGRADUATE DIPLOMA from a degree program accredited by MEC (Brazilian Ministry of Education) or a STATEMENT OF EXPECTED GRADUATION in 2016 for the Master’s Degree Applicants; or a COPY OF THE UNDERGRADUATE DIPLOMA  from a degree program acknowledged by MEC (Brazilian Ministry of Education) and of the  GRADUATE DIPLOMA or a STATEMENT OF EXPECTED THESIS DEFENSE for the Doctoral Degree Applicants, both until the enrollment date for the 2017 first academic semester;
  4. A digitized copy of the UNDERGRADUATE TRANSCRIPTfor the Master’s Degree applicants; or of the UNDERGRADUATE AND GRADUATE TRANSCRIPTS for the Doctoral Degree applicants. Applicants graduated from a degree program which is going through accreditation process may apply upon submitting proof of such condition;
  5. A digitized copy of the  Lattes CURRICULUM(CNPq model] with the supporting documents of all the items listed in the curriculum in the last five (5) years. INCLUDE ONLY THE SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS OF THE ITEMS LIKELY TO BE RANKED for Master’s and Doctoral Degree Applicants (Annex II). All items must be duly identified and sequentially organized, according to the Ranking Table to be filled by the applicant (Annex II). CURRICULUM ITEMS WITHOUT THE APPROPRIATE SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS SHALL NOT BE TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT FOR PURPOSES OF RANKING;
  6. A digitized copy of the CURRICULUM RANKING TABLEdully filled (Annex II) by the Master’s and Doctoral degree applicants;
  7. A LETTER FROM A FACULTY MEMBER OF THE GRADUATE PROGRAM IN FOOD SCIENCE showing interest in acting as the applicant’s thesis or dissertation supervisor and ensuring feasibility to carry out the project, according to a specific form (Annex III), with the intention of acceptance from the supervisor in the intended line of research (according to place availability). To obtain the letter of intent from the probable supervisor, the applicant must choose a faculty member in the intended line of research in order to obtain more information about the research project line or topic by means of the e-mail informed in Annex I of this Call. The letter of intent from the probable supervisor does not ensure the student’s approval in the Selection Process.


Multiple files of the documents listed above shall not be accepted. The digitization must be of good quality so as to allow an adequate visualization of all the information contained in the documents.


Foreign applicants must present proof of registration in the Certificate of Proficiency in Portuguese for Foreigners (CELPE-Bras) exam , developed and granted by the Brazilian Ministry of Education (MEC) applied in Brazil and other countries with the support of the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MRE). Information on the CELPE-Bras exam is available on http://celpebras.inep.gov.br/inscricao/. The document must be handed in  to the PPGCAL office during the 2017 first academic semester.


2.2.2. Besides the documents listed in item 2.2.1, TWO LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION are required (both for Master’s and Doctoral degree applicants) in an appropriate form, available on the website  (http://pgcal.pos.ufsc.br/formularios-2/).The letters must be sent by the referee directly to the e-mail address ppgcal@contato.ufsc.br, with the APPLICANT’S NAME ON THE SUBJECT BOX. IT IS MANDATORY that the letters be directly sent from the e-mail address of the person who filled them out. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE shall letters of recommendation sent by the applicant or the prospective thesis supervisor BE ACCEPTED.

2.2.3. THREE COPIES OF THE RESEARCH PROPOSAL authored by the applicants themselves, related to the topic/line of research of the chosen supervisor and written in Portuguese, having AT MOST six (6) pages, A4 paper size, with 2-cm margins, Times New Roman font size 12 and 1.5-cm spacing. The Research Proposal must include: (i) Title, (ii) Contextualization of the problem to be addressed, (iii) Materials and methods, (iv) Feasibility and Timetable, and (v) Standardized bibliographic references. The project is an integral part of the applicant’s evaluation process and shall be separately assessed by the committee. The project must be mandatorily inserted in the intended line of research.

2.2.4. The applicant must present the documents described in item 2.2.3 to the PPGCAL Office in an envelope containing two (2) other independent envelopes, as follows: Envelope 01 – With a sheet identifying the applicant’s name, CPF number and the name of the probable supervisor; Envelope 02 – Without any identification or mark, with the words: “Research Proposal for the master’s degree application” or “Research Proposal for the doctoral degree application.” The Research Proposal is not necessarily the project to be developed by the student during the master’s or doctoral degree programs.

2.3. Delivery of the documents required in item 2.2.3  to the PPGCAL office must be carried out in one of the following options:

2.3.1. In person: At the Food Science Graduate Program’s Office located at the UFSC Department of Food Science and Technology, at the address Rod. Admar Gonzaga, 1346 –Itacorubi, block C, second floor, from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. At the moment of delivery, no document verification or authentication shall be carried out. The applicant shall be responsible for making sure that all documents necessary for the application are inside the envelope.

2.3.2. By mail: Send the documents by  National Express Order Service (SEDEX) to the address below until 9 December 2016, imperatively. The documents necessary for the application process must be stored as specified in item 2.2.4 of this Call. The selection committee is not responsible for any delays or loss of documents by the post office.



Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciência dos Alimentos

Centro de Ciências Agrárias

Rodovia Admar Gonzaga 1346 – Itacorubi

Departamento de Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos/Bloco C

CEP 88034-000 – Florianópolis – Santa Catarina – Brasil

2.4. Applications related to documents delivered in person or with posting date after the application deadline(12:00 pm of 9 December 2016) shall not be approved. Likewise, applications that fail to include all the documents required in this Call shall not be approved, as it will not be possible to complement the incomplete documentation after the application deadline. In such cases, the documentation shall be returned to applicants.

2.5. The selection committee shall not be responsible for verifying and evaluating documents delivered without proper organization, as established in items 2.2.1, 2.2.2, 2.2.3 of this Call.

2.6. Lists with the approved applications shall be made available on the PPGCAL website (http://pgcal.pos.ufsc.br/) until 16 December 2016.

2.7. Each applicant is entitled to only one application. If more than one is submitted, the one with the most recent date shall be considered.

2.8. When presenting the documents required, the applicant is responsible for the veracity of all information provided.



3.1. First step:

3.1.1. Curriculum Evaluation ranked according to Annex II: This is a qualifying step. Intellectual production and academic performance during undergraduate studies and during graduate studies, if applicable, shall be observed.

The applicant is entirely responsible for correctly filling the Curriculum Ranking Table with the respective score for each activity, whose relevance shall be evaluated and countersigned or corrected by the selection committee.

The supporting documents shall be sequentially numbered according to the items and sub-items described in Annex II. The applicants who do not present the Curriculum according to the instructions of this Call shall be disqualified.

3.2. Second step:

3.2.1. Analysis of the Research Proposal: Ranked 0 to 10 by three members of the Examination Committee who belong to the Line of Research intended by the applicant. The evaluators shall analyze the projects blindly and individually, recording their observations in a specific form, based on the Annex IV requirements. The result of this step shall be the average of the scores assigned individually by the evaluators.

3.3. Approval Criteria

3.3.1. The applicants’ final score shall be the weighted average of each step of the present selection process, being:

First step (Curriculum analysis) = 40 %

Second step (analysis of the Research Proposal) = 60 %

3.3.2. For each step of the selection process, scores from zero (0) to ten (10) shall be assigned. Only applicants who reach the cut-off point established by the Selection Committee shall be considered approved, based on the number of existing places, being ranked for entry in descending order of the final average.

3.3.3. Successful applicants shall be presented in order of qualification, in the descending order of the final score, filling the places defined according to the availability of supervisors and lines of research.


3.4.1. The applicant with the highest score obtained in the research proposal.

3.4.2. The applicant with the highest score obtained in the curriculum analysis.

3.4.3. The oldest applicant.



4.1. The provision for the number of scholarships depends on the government funding agencies (CAPES, CNPq and FAPESC, among others).

4.2. The distribution of scholarships shall be carried out according to the rank order in the present selection process, in compliance with item 3.3.3;

4.3. In the event that the number of scholarships is less than the number of applicants qualified for a scholarship, a new ranking for redistribution of scholarships shall be established for all applicants interested, according to criteria to be determined by the PPGCAL Scholarship Committee, before the beginning of the 2017 first academic semester.

4.4. For the new redistribution, if necessary, the rank reached by the applicant in the present selection process (according to item 3.3.3) shall be used;

4.5. The students granted a scholarship shall not fail (by earning a “E” or “I” grade) any course at any moment, otherwise they may lose the right to the scholarship;

4.6. The students regularly enrolled in the master’s and doctor’s degree programs must present semiannual reports for follow-up of the project and deadlines established by the Program, to be assessed by the PPGCAL Scholarship Committee;

4.7. The scholarship quotas released by the loss of right by students who do not comply with items 4.5 and/or 4.6 of this Call shall be redistributed after a reranking of the students regularly enrolled in the master’s or doctoral degree program according to the academic performance in the courses taken.



5.1. The dates for application, curriculum evaluation, research proposal analysis, and disclosure of results are shown in the table below:


Applications Until 9 December 2016
Homologation of applications Until 16 December 2016
Curriculum evaluation and research proposal Until 15 February 2017
Disclosure of the final result Until 22 February 2017


5.2. The partial rank list based on the curriculum evaluation and the research proposal and of those approved for the master’s and doctoral programs shall be announced on the Program website. Information about the selection process shall not be provided by telephone. Requests for clarification should be sent by e-mail to ppgcal@contato.ufsc.br.

5.3. The confirmation of interest in the place should be made via e-mail and sent to the PPGCAL office (ppgcal@contato.ufsc.br) until 11:59 pm on 23 FEBRUARY 2017.

5.4. The approved applicant who does not confirm interest according to item 5.3 of this Call and who does not enroll until the end of the enrollment period of the 2017 first academic semester shall be seen as having quitted. To enter PPGCAL on a future date, applicants must go through a new selection process.



6.1. The requirements for reconsideration and appeals directed to the Selection Committee must be presented by the applicant or their legal representative on the email address ppgcal@contato.ufsc.br , until twenty-four (24) hours after the disclosure of the results.

6.2. The Selection Committee shall have the period of up to three (3) working days to analyze, assess and communicate the decision to the interested party, in a digitized document sent to the applicant’s email address that is in the application form.

6.3. Other forms of appeals shall not be accepted.



7.1. Shall be disqualified and automatically excluded from the selection process the applicant who:

7.1.1. Provides false statements or submits false documents for selection;

7.1.2. Fails to submit all documentation required within the terms and conditions stipulated in this Call;

7.1.3. Does not enroll in the specific period to be announced on the Program website if they are selected.

7.2. The results, as well as other announcements that may be required, shall be made public by the Program office on the website               http://pgcal.pos.ufsc.br.

7.3. By applying to the selection process, the applicant acknowledges and accepts the rules established in this Call and in the Graduate Program Bylaws.



  • The analysis of the Research Proposal shall respect the system of anonymity.
  • Enrollment in the program does not guarantee a scholarship award.
  • The cases not covered by this Call shall be resolved by the PPGCAL Council.


Examination committee for the DOCTORAL DEGREE:

Prof. Renata Dias de Mello Castanho Amboni, Chair

Prof. Alícia de Francisco de Casas

Prof. Ana Carolina Maisonnave Arisi

Prof. Cármen Maria Olivera Müller

Prof. Cleide Rosana Werneck Vieira

Prof. Edna Regina Amante

Prof. Jane Mara Block

Prof. Marilde Terezinha Bordignon Luiz

Prof. Pedro Luiz Manique Barreto

Prof. Vildes Maria Scussel


Examination committee for the MASTER’S DEGREE:

Prof. Ana Carolina Maisonnave Arisi, Chair

Prof. Alícia de Francisco de Casas

Prof. Cármen Maria Olivera Müller

Prof. Cleide Rosana Werneck Vieira

Prof. Edna Regina Amante

Prof. Elane Schwinden Prudêncio

Prof. Giustino Tribuzi

Prof. Juliano De Dea Lindner

Prof. Jane Mara Block

Prof. Maria Manuela Camino Feltes

Prof. Marilde Terezinha Bordignon Luiz

Prof.  Renata Dias de Mello Castanho Amboni

Prof. Vildes Maria Scussel


Florianópolis, 16 November 2016.


Original document signed

Prof. Dr. Ana Carolina de Oliveira Costa

Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Food Science